To learn how to create an account, sign into meetings and more, please click here.
Virtual Connection
Connect to virtual meetings via Zoom.com. Download the app on to your computer, iPhone, Android, or dial in on your phone.
OA Zoom Guidelines
Suffolk Intergroup states that being on camera is a suggestion, not mandatory.
There should be no multi-tasking or eating while attending a Zoom meeting. Please do not do anything you would not do at an in-person meeting at a Zoom meeting.
Remember to practice Anonymity by removing your last name from your profile.
OA World Service has asked us to remind members not to share their screens or take screenshots containing OA Literature.
Overeaters Anonymous owns the copyright for all OA literature. Members and groups may not reprint or post OA literature (in any digital medium) without written permission from OA, Inc.
To request reprint permission, go to https://oa.org/guidelines-meetings/copy-requests/; click “Copyright Requests.” The theme of a reading or a quote from OA literature can be posted. For guidance on what is allowed under “fair use,” see https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/more-info.html. Some OA-approved literature may be reprinted and posted by registered OA groups and service bodies without written permission. For a list, go to https://oa.org/guidelines-meetings/copy-requests/; click “Copyright Requests.”
Meetings are hosted differently depending upon the content of the meeting. Typically in any OA Zoom meeting there would be the meeting leader who conducts the meeting by reading the appropriate script via computer/phone, and at least one other service member to handle the technical aspects, such as the sharing of slides and other meeting materials online for all participants to see. The meeting room is also monitored as all participants enter to prevent "bad actors" from entering and disrupt the meeting.
All Zoom hosts should receive training before hosting a Zoom meeting.
If you're interested in such training with Suffolk OA Intergroup, please email suffolkoaig@gmail.com